Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

Upcoming Plots in Yamuna Authority

Upcoming Plots in Yamuna Authority

New Residential Projects in Yamuna Expressway Find upcoming new housing residential real estate projects in  Yamuna Expressway  Plots  Sector-18 Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida. Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots For Sale 120sq.Mtr in just 45-46 upto 48-50lac / 162sq.Mtr in just 54-55 upto 59-60lac / 300sq.Mtr.

industrial plot in ecotech 3 greater noida
industrial plot in ecotech 3 greater noida

Form for Transfer of Allotment Right to Residential Plot Yamuna Expressway stretching 165 kms. connects international tourist destinations of Delhi New Projects in Yamuna Expressway Greater Noida for Sale · Connected to Delhi metro via Noida metro route · Spread over a massive 101 acres of land.

Authority Plots is one of the popular residential projects that are available in Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida. The current stage of this project is ongoing Plot/Land for Sale in Yamuna Expressway Plots Area. 900 sqft. dimensions (L X B). 39 X 23.1. ownership. Freehold. transaction. New Property.

Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme
Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme

Under Construction Projects in Yamuna Expressway Noida. prideville Elevation. New. Imperia Prideville. Sector 25 Yamuna Express Way, Yamuna Expressway Here is the list of residential projects for sale in Yamuna Expressway, GreaterNoida · 3C Lotus City · Gaurs Krishna Villas · Yamuna City 32nd Park View.

Yamuna Expressway Sector-20 Plots Residential Yamuna Expressway Authority (YIEDA) plots are available in the size of 300 square meters, 500 square meters,1000 Why Yamuna Expressway — Villas & Residential Plots; Gaur Yamuna City, Yamuna Expressway; Villa 1.09 Cr*, Plots 47.04 Lakhs Onwards; RERA: UPRERAPRJ15838.

Yamuna Expressway Plots Location Map
Yamuna Expressway Plots Location Map

The size of plots on offer ranges from 60 sq metre to 4000 sq metre and the authority is awaiting approval from the Real Estate Regulatory Supertech UP Country, Yamuna Expressway · Spread over sprawling 100 acres of prime land on Yamuna Expressway · Available Plots in various sizes – 100 sq yds.

GREATER NOIDA: The Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots to launch a residential plot scheme in sectors 17 and 22D near the upcoming Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority presents Residential Plots Price 25 Lacs Onwards. Available in Resale at UP YEA Yamuna Expressway. Dear friends Yamuna Expressway Industrial Plots Authority is popularly known as YEIDA. According to the official brochure, the scheme opens from 01-03 595 sqm Industrial Plot, Sector 32, Yamuna Expressway, New Allotment only 30% deposit, Allotment Rate 7010/-, Plot#1290, Premium Rs. 8200/-

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

Yeida Residential Plots, Yeida Plots Latest News

Yeida Residential Plots

He/she should not earlier been allotted plot/flat, in full or in part, on lease hold License Agreement by the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Plots Form for Transfer of Allotment Right to Residential Plot 300 sq.m Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Area 2000 sq.m YEIDA notified area Sovers Approx.

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida
Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

Check List for Residential Schemes · Agreement to Lease Format (Residential) · Form for Transfer of Allotment Right to Residential Plot · Affidavit for Transfer 300 sqm (Or 358 sqy) plots on Yamuna Expressway Plots are available in sector 18 and 20. These two sectors are very adjacent to yamuna expressway and very near to? 1.2 Cr? 2,230/sq.ft: 5,381 sq.ft. (500 sq.m.)

GREATER NOIDA: The Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots to launch a residential plot scheme in sectors 17 and 22D near the upcoming The Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) is launching a new residential scheme near Jewar Airport in October 2021, What are the popular Projects with Plots in Yeida, Greater Noida? · Jaypee Yamuna Vihar · The 3C Lotus City · Gaursons Hi Tech 6th Parkview YEIDA New Residential Plot Scheme 2021 · Residential Location – Sector 17, 18, 20, and 22 D · Number of Plots – 1000 plots · Plot size – 60 sqm, 90 sqm, 120 sqm The YEIDA Residential Plot Scheme 2021 was launched on February 18 this year for the residents of Uttar Pradesh. Around 440 plots.

Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme
Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme

Yeida Plots Latest News

Yamuna Expressway Sector-20 Plots Residential Yamuna Expressway Authority (YIEDA) plots are available in the size of 300 square meters, 500 square meters,1000 695 Residential Plots / Land for Sale in Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida · Plot/Land for Sale in Yamuna Expressway Authority Plot, Yamuna Expressway. Process To Apply for Residential Plot Scheme — The project was launched on 30th June inviting applications for the allotment of flats. Under the YEIDA Plot YEIDA commands a premium of Rs 16,550 per sqm for residential plots. The plot size ranged between 120 sq mtr and 4,000 sq mtr. The smallest plot.

Yamuna Expressway Industrial
Yamuna Expressway Industrial

Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots: Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority Plots (Also known As YEIDA Plots Scheme 2009) are available in below This is an extension of YEIDA google group which was created to form an association of all YEIDA / Yamuna Expressway Plot Owners. Key topics of discussion Currently, Yeida has a land allotment rate of ?16,870 per square metres (sqm) for residential plots, ?44,000 per sqm for commercial plots.

Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme

Yeida Plot Scheme 2021

Yeida Plot Scheme 2021

Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Area. Yamuna Expressway stretching 165 kms. connects international tourist destinations of SCHEME: BHS-08/2021. Industrial Plots up to 2000 Sq. M. Open Ended Scheme · Procedure of Allotment – Industrial / 2000 (2013) -01 · Procedure of Allotment – Industrial / 2000 New Schemes · YEDA BROCHOURE 01 Revised · Scheme Code-YEIDA/BHS-08/2021 · NAEC Brochure Scheme Code:- YEA/IND4000(2021)-09 · Institutional Plots.

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida
Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

Procedure of Allotment for Residential Property. Through self financing scheme by scheme specific advertisement based on registration and draw of lots YEDIA lottery draw scheme for 1,000 plots in October 2021. The Yamuna Expressway Industrial  Authority Plots (YEIDA) is launching a new Plots.

According to the official brochure, the scheme opens from 01-03-2021 to 30-03-2021. the result will be announced on 5 May 2021. The YEIDA Residential Plot Scheme 2021 was launched on February 18 this year for the residents of Uttar Pradesh. Around 440 plots of Size And Price Of YEIDA Plot Scheme · Up to 4,000 square metre – Rs 6,670/- per square metre · 4000 to 8000 square metre – Rs 5,680/- per square List of Documents Required for YEIDA Plots Scheme 2021 · Feasibility Report of the proposed project. · 3 year projected cash flow of the project.

Yamuna Expressway Industrial
Yamuna Expressway Industrial

Yamuna Expressway Authority Plot Scheme 2021 draw date — Unfortunately, YEIDA residential plot scheme 2021 has already been concluded. GREATER NOIDA: The Yamuna Expressway Authority Plans to launch a residential plot scheme in sectors 17 and 22D near the upcoming The Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) plot scheme 2021 is closed on 30/03/2021. There is a total of 440 plots starting.

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida
Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

YEIDA draw result for RRPS04 plot scheme March 2021 will be releasing 1st week of November 2021. The eligible candidates can check the YEIDA Yamuna Expressway Industrial development authority (YEIDA) is Releasing YEIDA RRPS 04/2021 Plot Scheme Draw Result Today AS Today we are going to gives you the detail about the YEIDA Plots 2021. This is also known as Yamuna Expressway Plots scheme 2021.

Scheme Name : YEIDA Residential Plot Scheme RRPS 04/2021 2021 · Launched buy : YEIDA (Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority) · Updates:- YEIDA Residential Plot Scheme Result that is declared on 5th of May 2021, is now postponed. This result it is delayed and the the plot.

Industrial Plots and land for sale in Noida

Plot Scheme 2021: दिल्ली से सटे नोएडा में लान्च हुई प्लाट की स्कीम, यहां जानिये- इससे जुड़ी हर डिटेल

Plot Scheme 2021 आवासीय भूखंड विभाग की ओएसडी ज्योत्सना यादव ने बताया कि इनमें 92 से लेकर 480 वर्ग मीटर तक के भूखंड हैं। भूखंडों का आवंटन आनलाइन बोली के जरिये होगा। ये प्लाट नोएडा के विभिन्न सेक्टर में होंगे।

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida
Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

नवीन ओखला औद्योगिक विकास प्राधिकरण (New Okhla Industrial Development Authority) ने शहरवासियों को दीपावली का बड़ा तोहफा दे दिया है। आवासीय भूखंड योजना में 122 भूखंडों की योजना निकाली गई है। इसमें आगामी 28 अक्टूबर से आवेदन किया जा सकेंगे। इस योजना में लोग 17 नवंबर तक पंजीकरण करा सकेंगे। यह भूखंड शहर के विभिन्न सेक्टरों के लिए अलग-अलग शामिल है।

आवासीय भूखंड विभाग की ओएसडी ज्योत्सना यादव ने बताया कि इनमें 92 से लेकर 480 वर्ग मीटर तक के भूखंड हैं। भूखंडों का आवंटन आनलाइन बोली के जरिये होगा। यह भूखंड सेक्टर-33, 34, 34, 41, 47, 48, 49, 51, 53, 56, 61, 71, 72, 105, 108, 93 बी समेत अन्य सेक्टरों में हैं। इस योजना में 50 फीसद भूखंड आरक्षित हैं।

पंजीकरण कराने वाले आवेदकों की कुछ औपचारिकताएं पूरी कराने के बाद 16 व 17 दिसंबर को आनलाइन बोली की प्रक्रिया की जाएगी। सुबह 11 से एक बजे तक और दोपहर तीन से शाम बजे के बीच बोली लगाई जाएगी। संबंधित सफल आवेदकों को 27 दिसंबर को आवंटन पत्र जारी कर दिया जाएगा।

Industrial lands in Noida
Industrial lands in Noida

गौरतलब है कि गौतमबुद्धनगर के जेवर एयरपोर्ट के पास आवासीय भूखंड, पेट्रोल पंप और होटल खरीदने का मौका भी लोगों को मिल सकता है। यमुना एक्सप्रेस-वे औद्योगिक विकास प्राधिकरण के बोर्ड ने पिछले महीने आवासीय भूखंड, पेट्रोल पंप, होटल व व्योस्क की योजना लाने के लिए प्रस्ताव पास किया है।

इसके अलावा, YEIDA के सीईओ डा. अरुणवीर सिंह कहा है कि सामान्य लोगों की सुविधा के लिए नई आवासीय भूखंड योजना लाई जाएगी। इसके साथ ही क्योस्क, होटल एवं पेट्रोल पम्प की योजनाएं लाने का निर्णय लिया गया है। ये योजनाएं प्राधिकरण के सेक्टर-18, 20, 17, 22डी, 32, 29, 16 एवं 22डी में लाई जाएंगी।

बता दें कि इससे पहले इसी साल मार्च महीने में YEIDA ने 400 से अधिक प्लाटों की स्कीम निकाली थी, जिसका जबरदस्त रिस्पांस मिला था। माना जा रहा है कि YEIDA एक बार फिर इसी तरह की योजना निकालने वाला है।



Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme

Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots Current Premium

Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots Current Premium

The premium in Yamuna Expressway Authority Industrial Plots is Rs. 5000- 7000 approx. Yamuna Expressway Authority YEIDA Plots |Price,Resale,Size what is the fate of 17 C yamuna express way authority plots scheme. Is there is premium…i have a plot in sector 17B of 200 sq m. What should be the approx Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Area. Yamuna Expressway stretching 165 kms. connects international tourist destinations of Delhi and Agra.

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida
Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

Registration money equivalent to 10% of total premium of the plot area.  a bank draft in favour of Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority Plots (Also known As YEIDA … You can contact us to check current premium or latest premium for plots.

Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority Plots (Also known … current premium or latest premium for plots on Yamuna Express way. The Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) is … draw will be equivalent to 10% of the total premium of the plots.

Yamuna Expressway Industrial
Yamuna Expressway Industrial

Yamuna Express Way Plots Resale call 9999444220,yamuna expressway authority plots premium 2019,yamuna expressway authority plots for sale. Location @1000acre Proposed FILM city and 10 minutes drive from Noida Internation Airport. Location 1000acre Proposed FILM city & 10 minutes drive from Noida International Vaastu Compliant is a unique facility present in Authority Plots compared to all other projects present in Yamuna Expressway.

Yamuna Expressway Industrial Plots Authority (YEIDA) has revis. … commanding a premium of Rs 16,780 per sqm for residential plots Yamuna Expressway Authority plots current premium. For 4,000 Sq. Meter: : Rs.6,670 per Sq. Meter. For 4,000 to 8,000 Sq. Meter Dear friends Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority is … Max location charge of any single plot shall not be more than 15% of the premium.

Yamuna Expressway Industrial
Yamuna Expressway Industrial

Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority presents Residential Plots Price 25 Lacs Onwards. Available in Resale at UP YEA Yamuna Expressway. Apply Online for YEIDA Plot Scheme under Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority | Check Features, Benefits, Price and Area Real Estate Forum on Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots Premium Latest Answer: Hi Noida Commercial, I want to know what is the recent update of the place.

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

Yamuna Authority Plots Draw

Yamuna Authority Plots Draw

Yamuna Expressway Farmer Quota Plots. Attractions : Airport, Film City and Other Industrial and Commercial Development. The Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) on Monday conducted a lucky draw for allotment of 900 affordable residential plots.

Yamuna Expressway Industrial
Yamuna Expressway Industrial

State Minister, Industrial Development, U.P.. OTS Policy · OTS/Online Allottee Payment System(APS) · SCHEME: BHS-08/2021 · IND08 Draw Result. RRPS-04-2020 Draw Result. Enter Form No/Application ID. © 2021-22 Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority ·

The draw of lots for allotment of specific Plot/Flats numbers to the allottees shall be done after completion of the internal development of plot or structure Expressway. Salient Features · Toll & Travel Tips · Safety & Security … PDF icon Draw Notice for Left Out Industrial Plots Scheme, 24.97 KB The Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) announced the lottery draw winners for its residential plot scheme.

Yamuna Expressway Industrial
Yamuna Expressway Industrial

YEIDA Draw result 2021: Yamuna Expressway Industrial development authority (YEIDA) is going to release the RRPS 04/2021 Plot Scheme draw Yamuna Expressway Authority Plot Scheme 2021 draw date — The lottery draw for YEIDA plot scheme 2021 has already been conducted. Apply Online for YEIDA Plot Scheme under Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority | Check Features, Benefits, Price and Area Yamuna  Authority Plots development authority (YEIDA) is Releasing YEIDA RRPS 04/2021 Plot Scheme Draw Result Today .

Scheme Name : YEIDA Plot Scheme Draw Results 2021 · Released By : YEIDA (Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority) · Location : Greater Noida Expressway. Salient Features · Toll & Travel Tips · Safety & Security … PDF icon Draw Notice for Left Out Industrial Plots Scheme.

industrial plot in ecotech 3 greater noida
industrial plot in ecotech 3 greater noida

Yamuna Expressway Industrial Plots authority (YEIDA) completed the Onli e Application form 1st March to 31st March 2021. As per Official From the news update yamuna Expressway authority is going to release the commercial and residential plot draw result in may 2021.

As per recent information Yamuna Expressway Residential Plot Scheme 2021 draw result is going to be declared in the month of may 2021. The Draw result of the YEIDA has going to be announced on the 5th May 2021. But due to some issue, it will be postponed next days.

Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme

Yamuna Authority Plots Sector 18

Yamuna Authority Plots Sector 18

Yamuna Authority Plots Sector 18 stretching 165 kms. connects international tourist YEIDA notified area covers approx. Development of Residential Sector-18 Near Jewar Airport and Film City. 300 sq meter Park facing plot in Pocket 5B, Sector 18, Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida. Contact Agent.

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida
Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots in sector18 yamuna expressway, greater noida by Yamuna Expressway Industrial development authority is a residential 100Mtr and 120Mtr wide peripheral road are under construction in this Sector 18, 12000 Nos. Residential plots of 300sqm area each has been planned to be developed.

Looking to Buy Plots in Sector 18 Greater Noida, Yeida, Greater Noida? Explore 254+ Residential Lands for sale in Sector 18 Greater Noida, Yeida Yamuna Expressway Plots Resale: (Updated 8.00 PM on 9th Nov 21). 300 sqm Plots in Sector 18 on Yamuna Expressway: General Plots.

Industrial plots in Greater Noida
Industrial plots in Greater Noida

Sector-18 Yamuna Expressway The Govt. of Uttar Pradesh has formed an autonomous body and created a new authority namely the Yamuna Expressway Authority. Yamuna Expressway Farmer Quota Plots. Attractions : Airport, Film City and Other Industrial and Commercial Development.

Location @1000acre Proposed FILM city and 10 minutes drive from Noida Internation Airport. Location 1000acre Proposed FILM city & 10 minutes drive from Noida International Airport. 20 yrs Ind. Experience. Guaranteed Satisfaction. RERA No. UPRERAAGT15801. Sector 18 & 20 on Yamuna Expressway is emerging as the hot investment destination in plots. Best deal available starting from INR 55 lac, immediate registry & bank loan. Best Price Guarantee. Best Deals. Best Discounted Rate. Amenities: Gated Society, Pool.

industrial plot in ecotech 3 greater noida
industrial plot in ecotech 3 greater noida

Authority (Yeida) on Wednesday Said it has begun the process to register residential plots in sectors 18 and 20 it had allotted in 2009. Please click on the respective link to open desired map… MASTER PLAN – 2031 YEIDA CLICK HERE (NEW MAP). Detailed map of Sector 18-20 Yamuna Expressway.

industrial plot in ecotech 3 greater noida

Yeida Plots Resale

Yeida Plots Resale

300 sqm (Or 358 sqy) plots on yamuna expressway are available in sector 18 and 20. These two sectors are very adjacent to yamuna expressway The average price per sqft for Plots in Yeida, Greater Noida is Rs. 10,238. The price range per sqft is Rs. 100 – Rs. 38,000. Know more.

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida
Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

H- 177, 62 lacs, Pocket near 100 meter road, I-555, North East Plot, 78 lacs, In developed & premium Pocket connected with Yamuna Expressway & Ring road. Plots For Sale In Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida With Complete Details Of Amenities & Features @ CommonFloor.com India’s Fastest A plot is available for sale in Yeida, Noida. It has a salable area of 1800 sqft and is available at a price of Rs. 4,722 per sqft. The time you’ll spend here.

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida
Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

739 Residential Plots / Land for Sale in Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida · Plot/Land for Sale in Gaur 2nd Parkview, Yamuna Expressway · Plot/Land for Sale in 2 BHK Apartment for Sale in Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots, Yamuna Expressway · 2 BHK Apartment for Sale in Gaur Yamuna City, Yamuna Expressway.

Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme
Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme

Location @1000acre Proposed FILM city and 10 minutes drive from Noida Internation Airport. Guaranteed Satisfaction. Premium Partners. 20 yrs Ind. Experience. Expressway · Industrial Plots of the Size less than 2000 Sq Metres – Industrial Plots in Yamuna Authority

Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme
Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme

YEIDA Plots Resale Yamuna Authority Plots are being developed by YEIDA (Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority), These are Yamuna Authority Plots Find the best Yamuna Expressway in India. Lands & Plots For Sale in Yamuna Expressway.

Plots in Sector 22D Yamuna Expressway – Buy residential plots/land for sale at best price in Sector 22D Yamuna Expressway Noida online. Attempting to inject life in the recession-hit market, Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) Plot prices vary between Rs.23000 per square meter to Rs.30000 per square meter. Yamuna Expressway Sector-20 Plots. Residential Yamuna Expressway Authority.

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots Latest News


Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots Latest News

YEIDA Residential Plot Scheme 2021: Details

The Yamuna Expressway Authority Plots has offered around 400 plots for which the applicants need to apply with 10% registration amount at any ICICI Bank branch. For the ease of applicants, the Authority is offering three types of payment plans:

Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme
Yamuna Authority New Plot Scheme

Option Payment plan
Option 1 100% of the total premium of the plot (including registration fees) to be paid within 60 days from the date of issue of the allotment letter.

Option 2 50% of the total premium of the plot (including registration fees)to be paid within 60 days from the date of issue of the allotment letter and the remaining 50% amount of the total premium to be paid in two equal half-yearly instalments, from the 61st day from the allotment.

Option 3 30% of the total premium of the plot (including registration fees) to be paid within 60 days from the date of issue of the allotment letter and the remaining 70% of the amount to be paid in 10 half-yearly instalments from the 61st day from the allotment.

Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida
Yamuna Expressway Plots in Noida

According to the details furnished on the YEIDA’s website, the following property options were available for the applicants:

YEIDA Plot Scheme 2021 draw to be held on May 5

The Yamuna Authority Plots Resale (YEIDA) will be announcing the results for its residential plot scheme 2021 along the Yamuna Expressway, on May 5, 2021. Under this scheme, around 440 residential plots, ranging from 60 sq metres to 4,000 sq metres in size, were put on sale by the YEIDA, near the upcoming Jewar airport, to be allotted through a lottery draw system.

According to the authority, around 50,000 applications have been received for residential plots and 4,200 applications for industrial plots. Interestingly, only six applications have been received for 11 plots of 4,000 sq metres and two for 2,000 sq metres while 16 plots were on offer in this category.

industrial plot in ecotech 3 greater noida
industrial plot in ecotech 3 greater noida

According to YEIDA officials, the land site will be divided into four sectors – 17, 18, 20 and 22D. In addition to this, around 22.5% of the vacant plots will be allotted to applicants from the ‘farmers’ category and ‘industrial/institutional/commercial’ category.

Important dates for YEIDA Jewar Plot Scheme 2021
Important dates Event
March 1, 2021 Registration begins
March 30, 2021 Registration ends
May 5, 2021 Draw date

Wave One Location

Wave One Noida Location

Wave One Noida Location

Wave One Sector-18, Noida is prepared to maneuver Commercial Project. Wave Infratech offers able to move Office Space, Bare shell Office Space and Shops purchasable and Rent Wave One Noida. Download PDF. Overview. Overview, Research, CTBUH Initiatives. Note: As this project is architecturally topped out, the info is predicated .

Wave One Location
Wave One Location

Know all details of Wave One priced from Rs. 94.72 Lakhs – Rs. 22.45 Crs. Check our exclusive project videos, reviews, price trend in Sector-18 Noida. Wave One may be a New Commercial Apartments able to Move Projects by Wave Group in Sector 18, Sector 18, Noida. Check Wave One Project Details about The Wave One is situated within the best commercial sector of Noida. the world 18 Noida is nearly fully developed sector, with all sort of Commercial Shops Office Space sale in Noida.

By Wave Infratech Pvt Ltd. Location: Noida. Overview. Type Office Space; Status Under Construction Completion Date Wave One Location is one among the favored Commercial Developments in Sector-18 Noida neighborhood of Delhi(NCR).It is among the continued Projects of its Group.

Wave One Location
Wave One Location

Exclusive details of Wave One in Sector 18, Noida like price, plan , construction status, project specifications and amenities. Wave One Noida Sector-18 may be a high end commercial iconic project which is about to supply a singular experience and supply a harmonious blend of main street Building.

Wave One Sector 18 Noida – Commercial Property Wave One Sector 18 Noida – Commercial Property in Sector 18 Noida Wave One Noida Possession Date is that the most engaging and most luxurious commercial project in Delhi NCR. it’s been developed my Wave The Chadha Group announces new commercial project “Wave One” in Sector 18 Noida with all amenities.